What is ShambhavAnanda Yoga®?


In 1975, Sri Shambhavananda led a small group of renegade yogis to Boulder, Colorado. They opened the first vegetarian restaurant in the area and named it in honor of their teacher, Swami Rudrananda. For them, the restaurant was more than just an eatery; it was an arena for their growth. Sri Shambhavananda taught them how to use the challenges of running the restaurant to grow spiritually. Living, meditating, and working together, they flourished.

The success of the restaurant, and later a bakery, afforded the small dedicated bunch their dream of building a yoga ashram; a place where people could go to experience the yogic tradition through nourishing retreats, asana practice, meditation, and seva (selfless service).

At a time in America when yoga’s popularity outshines its original purpose, ShambhavAnanda Yoga® stands as a living example of timeless teachings in a present-day practice. Sri Shambhavananda inspires students to combine hard work with heart work and use the practice of meditation to rise above and grow from the challenges of everyday life.

ShambhavAnanda Yoga® ashrams and affiliate centers are run by gifted and dedicated practitioners who use the practice to grow and improve their lives. Each center has been given the blessing of Sri Shambhavananda to pass on the teachings of the lineage under his guidance. Visit one to learn how you can live the practice and love your life with ShambhavAnanda Yoga™.

ShambhavAnanda Yoga® ashrams; Shoshoni, Eldorado, and Konalani are part of SGRY, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and Colorado non-profit corporation.